Floating-Point Control Word (ia32 only)

On ia32 systems, the FPU control word includes bits that control the FPU's precision, rounding mode, and whether exceptions generate signals if they occur. You can read the control word value with GETCONTROLFPQQ (ia32 only) to find out the current control settings, and you can change the control word with SETCONTROLFPQQ (ia32 only).

Each bit in the floating-point control word corresponds to a mode of the floating-point math processor. The DFLIB.F90 module file in the ...\DF98\INCLUDE folder contains the INTEGER(2) parameters defined for the control word, as shown in the following table:

Parameter Name Value in Hex Description
FPCW$MCW_IC #1000 Infinity control mask
FPCW$AFFINE #1000 Affine infinity
FPCW$PROJECTIVE #0000 Projective infinity
FPCW$MCW_PC #0300 Precision control mask
FPCW$64 #0300 64-bit precision
FPCW$53 #0200 53-bit precision
FPCW$24 #0000 24-bit precision
FPCW$MCW_RC #0C00 Rounding control mask
FPCW$CHOP #0C00 Truncate
FPCW$UP #0800 Round up
FPCW$DOWN #0400 Round down
FPCW$NEAR #0000 Round to nearest
FPCW$MCW_EM #003F Exception mask
FPCW$INVALID #0001 Allow invalid numbers
FPCW$DENORMAL #0002 Allow denormals (very small numbers)
FPCW$ZERODIVIDE #0004 Allow divide by zero
FPCW$OVERFLOW #0008 Allow overflow
FPCW$UNDERFLOW #0010 Allow underflow
FPCW$INEXACT #0020 Allow inexact precision

The control word defaults are:

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