Run-Time Message Display and Format

When errors occur during program execution (run time) of a program, the Visual Fortran run-time system issues diagnostic messages. Where Fortran run-time messages are displayed depends upon the Fortran project type:

Project Type Where Fortran Run-Time Messages Appear
Fortran Console applications Run-time error messages are displayed on the standard error device (unless redirected).
Fortran QuickWin and Fortran Standard Graphics applications Run-time error messages are displayed in a separate QuickWin message box.
Fortran Windows applications Run-time error messages are displayed in a separate message box.

Fortran run-time messages have the following format:

forrtl: severity (number): message-text

The following table explains the severity levels of run-time messages, in the order of greatest to least severity.

Severity Levels of Run-Time Messages

Severity Description
severe Must be corrected. The program's execution is terminated when the error is encountered unless the program's I/O statements use the END, EOR, or ERR branch specifiers to transfer control, perhaps to a routine that uses the IOSTAT specifier (see the section Using the END, EOR, and ERR Branch Specifiers and the section Using the IOSTAT Specifier and Fortran Exit Codes).

For severe errors, a hexadecimal dump of the call stack (program counter trace) is displayed after the error message. If the /traceback option was specified, the displayed call stack program counter trace includes the source file name, routine name, and source line number of your Fortran source code.

error Should be corrected. The program might continue execution, but the output from this execution may be incorrect.
warning Should be investigated. The program continues execution, but output from this execution may be incorrect.
info For informational purposes only; the program continues.

For a description of each Visual Fortran run-time error message, see Visual Fortran Run-Time Errors