Using the END, EOR, and ERR Branch Specifiers

When a severe error occurs during Visual Fortran program execution, the default action is to display an error message and terminate the program. To override this default action, there are three branch specifiers you can use in I/O statements to transfer control to a specified point in the program:

If you use the END, EOR, or ERR branch specifiers, no error message is displayed and execution continues at the designated statement, usually an error-handling routine.

You might encounter an unexpected error that the error-handling routine cannot handle. In this case, do one of the following:

After you modify the source code, compile, link, and run the program to display the error message. For example:

    READ (8,50,ERR=400)

If any severe error occurs during execution of this statement, the Visual Fortran RTL transfers control to the statement at label 400. Similarly, you can use the END specifier to handle an end-of-file condition that might otherwise be treated as an error. For example:

    READ (12,70,END=550)

When using nonadvancing I/O, use the EOR specifier to handle the end-of-record condition. For example:

150 FORMAT (F10.2, F10.2, I6)
    READ (UNIT=20, FMT=150, SIZE=X, ADVANCE='NO', EOR=700) A, F, I

You can also use ERR as a specifier in an OPEN, CLOSE, or INQUIRE statement. For example:


If an error is detected during execution of this OPEN statement, control transfers to the statement at label 999.