Command Modifiers in NMAKE

You can specify one or more command modifiers preceding a command, optionally separated by spaces or tabs. As with commands, modifiers must be indented. The following table lists the command modifiers:

Modifier Action
@command Prevents display of the command. Display by commands is not suppressed. By default, NMAKE echoes all executed commands. Use the /S option to suppress display for the entire makefile; use .SILENT to suppress display for part of the makefile.
-[number] command Turns off error checking for command. By default, NMAKE halts when a command returns a nonzero exit code. If -number is used, NMAKE stops if the exit code exceeds number. Spaces or tabs cannot appear between the dash and number; at least one space or tab must appear between number and command. Use the /I option to turn off error checking for the entire makefile; use .IGNORE to turn off error checking for part of the makefile.
!command Executes command for each dependent file if command uses $** (all dependent files in the dependency) or $? (all dependent files in the dependency with a later timestamp than the target).