
In a dependency line, specify zero or more dependents after the colon (:) or double colon (::) using any valid filename or pseudotarget. Separate multiple dependents with one or more spaces or tabs. Dependents are not case sensitive. Paths are permitted with filenames.

Inferred Dependents

An inferred dependent is derived from an inference rule and is evaluated before explicit dependents. If an inferred dependent is out-of-date with respect to its target, NMAKE invokes the commands block for the dependency. If an inferred dependent does not exist or is out-of-date with respect to its own dependents, NMAKE first updates the inferred dependent. For more information, see NMAKE Inference Rules.

Search Paths for Dependents

Each dependent has an optional search path, specified as follows:


NMAKE looks for a dependent first in the current directory, and then in directories in the order specified. A macro can specify part or all of a search path. Enclose directory names in braces ({ }); separate multiple directories with a semicolon (;). No spaces or tabs are allowed.