An option consists of an option specifier, which is either a dash (-) or a forward slash (/), followed by the name of the option. Option names cannot be abbreviated. Some options take arguments, specified after a colon (:). No spaces or tabs are allowed within an option specification. Use one or more spaces or tabs to separate option specifications on the command line. Option names and their keyword or filename arguments are not case sensitive. Most options apply to all binary files; a few apply only to certain types of files.

The DUMPBIN options are as follows:

Option Description
/ALL Displays all available information except code disassembly. Use the /DISASM option to display disassembly. You can use /RAWDATA:NONE with the /ALL option to omit the raw binary details of the file.
/ARCHIVEMEMBERS Displays minimal information about member objects in a library.
/ARCH Dumps the .arch section of an image.
/DEPENDENTS Dumps the names of the DLLs from which the image imports functions. Does not dump the names of the imported functions.
/DIRECTIVES Dumps the compiler-generated .drective section of an image.
/DISASM Displays disassembly of code sections, using symbols if present in the file.
/EXPORTS Displays all definitions exported from an executable file or DLL.
/FPO Displays Frame Pointer Optimization (FPO) records.
/HEADERS Displays coff header information.
/IMPORTS Displays all definitions imported to an executable file or DLL. Output resembles the /EXPORTS option.
/LINENUMBERS Displays COFF line numbers. Line numbers exist in an object file if it was compiled with Program Database (/Zi) or Line Numbers Only (/Zd). An executable file or DLL contains COFF line numbers if it was linked with Generate Debug Info (/DEBUG) and COFF Format (/DEBUGTYPE:COFF).
/LINKERMEMBER The option /LINKERMEMBER[:{1|2}] displays public symbols defined in a library. Specify the 1 argument to display symbols in object order, along with their offsets. Specify the 2 argument to display offsets and index numbers of objects, then list the symbols in alphabetical order along with the object index for each. To get both outputs, specify /LINKERMEMBER without the number argument.
/OUT The option /OUT:filename specifies a filename for the output. By default, DUMPBIN displays the information to standard output.
/PDATA dumps the exception tables (.pdata) from an image or object.
/RAWDATA The option /RAWDATA[:{ BYTES | SHORTS | LONGS | NONE }[, number] ] displays the raw contents of each section in the file. The arguments control the format of the display, as follows:
Argument Result
BYTES The default. Contents are displayed in hexadecimal bytes, and also as ASCII if they have a printed representation.
SHORTS Contents are displayed in hexadecimal words.
LONGS Contents are displayed in hexadecimal longwords.
NONE Raw data is suppressed. This is useful to control the output of the /ALL option.
number Displayed lines are set to a width that holds number values per line.
/RELOCATIONS Displays any relocations in the object or image.
/SECTION The option /SECTION:section restricts the output to information on the specified section.
/SUMMARY Displays minimal information about sections, including total size. This option is the default if no other option is specified.
/SYMBOLS Displays the COFF symbol table. Symbol tables exist in all object files. A COFF symbol table appears in an image file only if it is linked with the Generate Debug Info and COFF Format options under Debug Info on the Debug category for the linker (or the /DEBUG and /DEBUGTYPE:COFF options on the command line).