Global Information Records

The global information records contain information about the entire executable file. The format tag numbers for global information records are 0 through 5. The record formats are as follows:

Profiling Banner
0 Version Banner
Field Explanation
0 Format tag number
Version PLIST version number
Banner PLIST banner

Profiling Method
1 Method Description
Field Explanation
1 Format tag number
Method Numeric value that indicates the profiling type (see the following table)
Description ASCII description of the profiling type given by the method field

The profiling types are listed in the following table:

Profiling Types
Method Description
321 Profile: Line counting, sorted by line
324 Profile: Line coverage, sorted by line
521 Profile: Function counting, sorted by function name
522 Profile: Function timing, sorted by function name
524 Profile: Function coverage, sorted by function name

Profiling Time and Depth
2 Total Time Outside Time Call Depth
Field Explanation
2 Format tag number
Total Time Total amount of time used by the program being profiled. This field is zero for counting and coverage profiles
Outside Time Amount of time spent before the first profiled function (with function profiling) or line (with line profiling) was executed. This field is zero for counting and coverage profiles
Call Depth Maximum number of nested functions found while profiling. Only profiled functions are counted. This field is zero for line-level profiling

Profiling Hit Counts
3 Total Hits Lines/Funcs Lines/Funcs Hit
Field Explanation
3 Format tag number
Total Hits Total number of times the profiler detected a profiled line or function being executed
Lines/Funcs Total number of lines or functions marked for profiling
Lines/Funcs Hit Number of marked lines or functions executed at least once while profiling

Profiling Date/Command Line
4 Date Command Line
Field Explanation
4 Format tag number
Date The date/time the profile was run (ASCII format)
Command Line The PLIST command-line arguments

Profiling Starting Function Name
5 Starting Function Name
Field Explanation
5 Format tag number
Starting Function Name The decorated name of the starting function identified by the PREP /SF parameter