Local Information Records

The local information records contain information about specific lines or functions that were profiled. The format tag numbers for local information records are 6 and 7. A report can have only one kind of local information record. The record formats are as follows:

Profiling Function Information
6 Exe Source Count Time Child Func
Field Explanation
6 Format tag number
Exe ASCII name of the executable file that contains this function.
Source ASCII name of the object module (including the .OBJ extension) that contains this function
Count Number of times this function has been executed
Time Amount of time spent executing this function in milliseconds. This field is zero with profiling by counting or coverage
Child Amount of time spent executing the function and any child functions it calls. This field is zero with profiling by counting or coverage
Func ASCII name of the function

Profiling Line Information
7 Exe Source Line Count
Field Explanation
7 Format tag number
Exe ASCII name of the executable file that contains this function
Source ASCII name of the source that contains the first line of this function
Line Line number of this line
Count Number of times this line has been executed. With coverage, this field is 1 if the line has been executed and 0 otherwise

Profiling Function-Attribution Stacks
8 Number of stacks
Field Explanation
8 Format tag number
Number of stacks Number of stacks for each function call

Profiling Stack Hits and Timing
9 Stack size Hit count Stack time Child time
Field Explanation
9 Format tag number
Stack size Stack size for each function call
Hit count Hit count for this stack
Stack time This stack's self-time
Child time This stack's child-time

Profiling Stack Function Name
10 Function name
Field Explanation
10 Format tag number
Function name Each function's name on the stack. The number of names that appear here will be equal to the stack size field in Profiling Stack Hits and Timing (above).