PLIST converts results from the .PBT file generated by the second call to PREP into a formatted text file.

The syntax for PLIST is:

PLIST [options] inputfile

PLIST reads the command line from left to right, so the rightmost options override contradictory options to the left. None of the options are case sensitive. You must prefix options with a forward slash (/) or a dash (-), and options must be separated by spaces.

PLIST results are sent to STDOUT by default. Use the greater-than (>) redirection

PLIST must be run from the directory in which the profiled program was compiled.

Parameter Description
options Control the format and organization of profiler output data. (See the PLIST Options table.)
inputfile The .PBT file to be converted by PLIST.

PLIST Options

Option Description
/C count Specifies the minimum hit count to appear in the listing.
/D directory Specifies an additional directory for PLIST to search for source files. Use multiple /D command-line options to specify multiple directories. Use this option when PLIST cannot find a source file.
/F Lists full paths in tab-delimited report.
/FLAT When using function attribution (see PREP /AT), displays function attribution with no indentation.
/H[ELP] Provides a short summary of PLIST options.
/INDENT When using function attribution (see PREP /AT), displays function attribution information in indented format. This is the default display for function attribution if neither /FLAT nor /TAB is selected.
/NOLOGO Suppresses the PLIST copyright message.
/PL length Sets page length (in lines) of output. The length must be 0 or 15-255. A length of 0 suppresses page breaks. The default length is 0.
/PW width Sets page width (in characters) of output. The width must be 1-511. The default width is 511.
/SC Sorts output by counts, highest first.
/SL Sorts output in the order that the lines appear in the file. This is the default. This option is available only when profiling by line.
/SLS Forces line count profile output to be printed in coverage format.
/SN Sorts output in alphabetical order by function name. This option is available only when profiling by function.
/SNS Displays function timing or function counting information in function coverage format. Sorts output in alphabetical order by function name.
/ST Sorts output by time, highest first.
/T Tab-separated output. Generates a tab-delimited database from the .PBT file for export to other applications. All other options, including sort specifications, are ignored when using this option. For more information, see Exporting Data from the Profiler.
/TAB indent When using function attribution (see PREP /AT), sets tab width for indentation of function information.
/? Provides a summary of PLIST options.

Environment Variable

The PLIST environment variable specifies the default command-line options for PLIST. If the PLIST environment variable is not specified, the default options for PLIST depend on the profile type as shown:

Profile Type Sort Option Hit Count Option
Function timing /ST /C 1
Function counting /SC /C 1
Function coverage /SN /C 0
Line counting /SL /C 0
Line coverage /SLS /C 0