Profiler Batch Files

Like the linker, all three profiler programs accept response files. The following command line:

  PREP /OM /FT /EXC nafxcwd.lib %1

can be replaced by this line:

 PREP @opts.rsp %1

if you create a file OPTS.RSP that contains this text:

 /OM /FT /EXC nafxcwd.lib # this is a comment

The # character in a response file defines a comment that runs through the end of the line.

Five standard batch files ship with the profiler:

Filename Description
FTIME.BAT Function timing
FCOUNT.BAT Function counting
FCOVER.BAT Function coverage
LCOUNT.BAT Line counting
LCOVER.BAT Line coverage

These batch files contain only the minimum parameters for the initial call to PREP. Use them as prototypes for your own batch files, which should contain selection parameters. If you ran an unmodified LCOVER batch file for a complex Fortran 90 application with a large number of functions, subroutines and modules, the output report could be thousands of lines long.