Resource Compiler Options

With Visual Fortran, you can create dialog boxes for an interactive user interface at run-time. For example, you can provide selection lists and scroll bars and the user will not have to type in text strings or numerical control parameters. You can also create custom icons for your Fortran QuickWin and Fortran Windows applications.

The Microsoft visual development environment includes a special dialog editor for creating dialogs and placing the controls within them, and a graphic editor for drawing or importing icons. You must use the dialog editor and graphic editor in the visual development environment to design dialogs and icons. Once you have created a dialog or icon, you can compile it from the command line using the Resource Compiler (RC).

In the visual development environment, you can view the resources in your project in the ResourceView pane (a tab next to the FileView pane). The resource editor in the Microsoft visual development environment offers easy, time-saving alternatives to the traditional hand-coded scripts used to create resources. Resources are built when you build your project.

These visual tools create and manage your project's script – you do not need to hand-code scripts. For more information on the working with resources in the visual development environment, see the Resource Editors section in the Visual C++ User's Guide.

For information on creating resource-definition script files and using the RC command from the command line, see: