Tab-Delimited Record Format

Every piece of data stored by the Profiler is available through the tab-delimited report. Because not all aspects of the database are recorded by every profiling method, unused fields within a record may be zero. For example, the total time of the program will be zero if the program was profiled for counts only. Also, all included functions will be listed for function counting and timing profiles, even if those functions were not executed.

The tab-delimited format is arranged with one record per line and two to eight fields per record. The following figure shows how a database looks when loaded into Microsoft Excel. The database was produced using the PLIST /T command-line option.

The first item in each record is a format tag number. These tags range from 0 to 7 and indicate the kind of data given in the other fields of the record. The fields in each record are described in:

Tab-delimited reports are generated with global information records first, organized in numerical order by format tag. The local information records, containing information about specific lines or functions, are generated last. Local information records are organized by line number.

If the .PBT file contains information from more than one .EXE or .DLL file, the global information will cover them all. Local information records include the EXE field, which specifies the name of the executable file that each record pertains to.