Using the IMSL Mathematical and Statistical Libraries

The Professional and Enterprise Editions of Visual Fortran include the IMSL libraries, a collection of nearly 1,000 mathematical and statistical functions easily accessible from the visual development environment.

The IMSL libraries are installed with Visual Fortran, as described in Compaq Visual Fortran Installation and Getting Started.

You can view the IMSL readme file and online help using the Compaq Visual Fortran program folder. The online documentation included with the IMSL Libraries includes an ASCII readable file and PDF files:

IMSL libraries (and IMSL online documentation files) are included with the Professional and Enterprise Editions of Visual Fortran (not the Standard Edition).

When calling the IMSL library routines from a multi-threaded application, be aware that the IMSL routines are intended only for single-thread use.

This section provides information on the following topics: