Compatibility with Compaq Fortran on Other Platforms

Compaq Visual Fortran supports extensions to the Fortran 95 and 90 ISO and ANSI standards, including a number of extensions defined by:

This section discusses the following topics:

Summary of Language Compatibility

Compaq Visual Fortran (CVF) uses the same robust, highly efficient Fortran 95/90 compiler used by Compaq Fortran for the following Alpha operating systems:

The following table summarizes the compatibility of Compaq Visual Fortran with Compaq Fortran for Alpha systems and Compaq Fortran 77 (CF77) for OpenVMS VAX systems:

Summary of Language Compatibility

Compaq Fortran (CF) OS/Architecture Platform
Language Feature CVF
UNIX Alpha
Linux Alpha
OpenVMS Alpha
Linking against static and shared libraries X X X X X
Create code for shared libraries X X X X X
Recursive code support X X X X X
AUTOMATIC and STATIC statements X X X X X
STRUCTURE and RECORD declarations X X X X X
INTEGER*1, *2, *4 X X X X X
LOGICAL*1, *2, *4 X X X X X
REAL*4, *8 X X X X X
REAL*161   X X X X
COMPLEX*8, *16 X X X X X
COMPLEX*322   X X X  
INCLUDE statement X X X X X
Data initialization in type declarations X X X X X
Automatic arrays X X X X  
VOLATILE statements X X X X X
NAMELIST-directed I/O X X X X X
31-character names including $ and _ X X X X X
Source listing with machine code X X X X X
Debug statements in source X X X X X
Bit constants to initialize data and use in arithmetic X X X X X
DO WHILE and END DO statements X X X X X
Built-in functions %LOC, %REF, %VAL X X X X X
SELECT CASE construct X X X X  
EXIT and CYCLE statements X X X X  
Variable FORMAT expressions (VFEs) X X X X X
! marks end-of-line comment X X X X X
Optional run-time bounds checking for arrays and substrings X X X X X
Binary (unformatted) I/O in IEEE big endian, IEEE little endian, VAX, IBM, and CRAY floating-point formats X X X X X
Fortran 95/90 standards checking X X X X  
FORTRAN-77 standards checking         X
IEEE exception handling X X X X  
VAX floating data type in memory       X X
IEEE floating data type in memory X X X X  
CDD/Repository DICTIONARY support         X
KEYED access and INDEXED files       X X
Parallel decomposition 4 X3,4   4 X
OpenMP parallel directives   X      
Conditional compilation using IF...DEF constructs X X X X  
Vector code support         X
Direct inlining of Basic Linear Algebra Subroutines (BLAS) 5 5 5 5 X
DATE_AND_TIME returns 4-digit year X X X X X
FORALL statement and construct X X X X  
Automatic deallocation of ALLOCATABLE arrays X X X X  
Dim argument to MAXLOC and MINLOC X X X X  
PURE user-defined subprograms X X X X  
ELEMENTAL user-defined subprograms X X X X  
Pointer initialization (initial value) X X X X  
The NULL intrinsic to nullify a pointer X X X X  
Derived-type structure initialization X X X X  
CPU_TIME intrinsic subroutine X X X X  
Kind argument to CEILING and FLOOR intrinsics X X X X  
Nested WHERE constructs, masked ELSEWHERE statement, and named WHERE constructs X X X X  
Comments allowed in namelist input X X X X  
Generic identifier in END INTERFACE statements X X X X  
Minimal FORMAT edit descriptor field width X X X X  
Detection of Obsolescent and/or Deleted features6 X X X X  

Footnotes to preceding table:

1 For REAL*16 data, OpenVMS VAX systems use H_float format, and Alpha systems use IEEE style X_float format.
2 For COMPLEX*32 data, Alpha systems use IEEE style X_float format for both REAL*16 parts.
3 For parallel processing with Compaq Fortran for Compaq Tru64 UNIX Systems, you can use the OpenMP or Compaq Fortran directives on shared memory multiprocessor systems or MPI software for using High Performance Fortran (HPF) constructs across multiple systems.
4 For parallel processing, you can use the optional KAP performance preprocessor for a shared memory multiprocessor system.
5 BLAS and other routines are available with the Compaq Extended Mathematical Library (CXML) software provided with Compaq Visual Fortran and Compaq Fortran for Alpha systems (for download information, see
6 Compaq Fortran flags these deleted and obsolescent features, but fully supports them.

Common Language Extensions

To simplify porting applications between Compaq Fortran 77 Alpha systems and Compaq Fortran (including Compaq Visual Fortran), Compaq Visual Fortran supports the following Compaq Fortran 77 extensions that are not part of the Fortran 95/90 standards:

In addition to language extensions, Compaq Visual Fortran also supports the following Compaq Fortran 77 features:

Compaq Visual Fortran includes the following features and enhancements also found on other Compaq Fortran platforms:

Major Changes to the Fortran Language Standards

Major additions and improvements to the FORTRAN 77 standard introduced by the Fortran 90 standard include:

In addition, the Fortran 90 standard includes the following industry-accepted extensions to the FORTRAN 77 standard:

Major changes and improvements to the Fortran 90 standard introduced by the Fortran 95 standard include:

For more information:

Platform Porting Notes

When porting code between platforms, be aware that:

For more information: