Date and Time Routines

Various date and time routines are available to determine system time, or convert it to local time, Greenwich Mean Time, arrays of date and time elements, or an ASCII character string.

The sample output column of the following table assumes the current date to be 2/24/97 7:11 pm Pacific Daylight Time. The third column shows what each routine returns, either when reporting the current time or when that date and time is passed to it in an appropriate argument. Full details of parameters and output are given in the description of each routine (A to Z Reference) in the Language Reference.

Portability Routine Description Sample output
CLOCK Current time in "hh:mm:ss" format using a 24-hour clock 19:11:00
CTIME Converts a system time to a 24-character ASCII string "Wed Feb 24 19:11:00 1999"
DATE A string representation of the current date As a subroutine: "24-Feb-99"

As a function: "02/24/99"

DTIME Elapsed CPU time since later of (1) start of program, or (2) most recent call to DTIME (/0.0, 0.0/)
(Actual results depend on the program and the system)
ETIME Elapsed CPU time since the start of program execution (/0.0, 0.0/)
(Actual results depend on the program and the system)
FDATE The current date and time as an ASCII string "Wed Feb 24 19:11:00 1999"
GMTIME Greenwich Mean Time as a 9-element integer array (/0,12,03,24,2,97,3,55,0/)
IDATE Current date either as one 3-element array or three scalar parameters (month, day, year) (1) (/24,2,1999/)
(2) month=2, day=24, year=99
ITIME Current time as a 3-element array (hour, minute, second) (/7,11,00/)
JDATE Current date as an 8-character string with the Julian date "99055 "
LTIME Local time as a 9-element integer array (/0,11,7,24,2,99,3,55,0/)
RTC Number of seconds
since 00:00:00 GMT,
Jan 1, 1970
SECNDS The number of seconds since midnight, less the value of its argument 0.00
TIME As a subroutine, returns the time formatted as hh:mm:ss

As a function, returns the time in seconds since midnight GMT Jan 1, 1970

Subroutine: "07:11:00"
Function: 762145860
TIMEF The number of seconds since the first time this function was called (or zero) 0.0

TIME and DATE are available as either a function or subroutine. Because of the name duplication, if your programs do not include the USE DFPORT statement, each separately compiled program unit can use only one of these versions. For example, if a program calls the subroutine TIME once, it cannot also use TIME as a function.

Standard Fortran 95/90 includes date and time intrinsic subroutines. For more information, see DATE_AND_TIME in the Language Reference.