USE Statement Needed for Fortran QuickWin Applications

A program using the Fortran QuickWin or Standard Graphics features must explicitly access the QuickWin graphics library routines with the statement USE DFLIB.

Any program using the QuickWin features must include the statement USE DFLIB to access the QuickWin graphics library. The DFLIB.MOD module file contains subroutine and function declarations in INTERFACE statements, derived-type declarations, and symbolic constant declarations for each QuickWin routine.

Because INTERFACE statements must appear before the body of a program, the USE DFLIB statement must appear before the body of a program unit. This usually means putting USE DFLIB before any other statement (such as IMPLICIT NONE or INTEGER).

Depending on the type of routines used by your application, other USE statements that include other Visual Fortran modules may be needed in addition to USE DFLIB. The description of each Visual Fortran routine in the Language Reference (see A to Z Reference) indicates the module that needs to be included for external routines (such as USE DFLIB, USE DFPORT).