Drawing Graphics

If you want anything other than the default line style (solid), mask (no mask), background color (black), or foreground color (white), you must call the appropriate routine before calling the drawing routine. Subsequent output routines employ the same attributes until you change them or open a new child window.

The following is a list of routines that ask about the current graphics settings, set new graphics settings, and draw graphics:

Routine Description
ARC, ARC_W Draws an arc
CLEARSCREEN Clears the screen, viewport, or text window
ELLIPSE, ELLIPSE_W Draws an ellipse or circle
FLOODFILL, FLOODFILL_W Fills an enclosed area of the screen with the current color index using the current fill mask
FLOODFILLRGB, FLOODFILLRGB_W Fills an enclosed area of the screen with the current RGB color using the current fill mask
GETARCINFO Determines the endpoints of the most recently drawn arc or pie
GETCURRENTPOSITION, GETCURRENTPOSITION_W Returns the coordinates of the current graphics-output position
GETPIXEL, GETPIXEL_W Returns a pixel's color index
GETPIXELRGB, GETPIXELRGB_W Returns a pixel's Red-Green-Blue color value
GETPIXELS Gets the color indices of multiple pixels
GETPIXELSRGB Gets the Red-Green-Blue color values of multiple pixels
GRSTATUS Returns the status (success or failure) of the most recently called graphics routine
INTEGERTORGB Convert a true color value into its red, green, and blue components
LINETO, LINETO_W Draws a line from the current graphics-output position to a specified point
LINETOAR, LINETOAREX Draws lines from arrays at x,y coordinate points
MOVETO, MOVETO_W Moves the current graphics-output position to a specified point
PIE, PIE_W Draws a pie-slice-shaped figure
POLYGON, POLYGON_W Draws a polygon
RECTANGLE, RECTANGLE_W Draws a rectangle
RGBTOINTEGER Convert a trio of red, green, and blue values to a true color value for use with RGB functions and subroutines
SETPIXEL, SETPIXEL_W Sets a pixel at a specified location to a color index
SETPIXELRGB, SETPIXELRGB_W Sets a pixel at a specified location to a Red-Green-Blue color value
SETPIXELS Set the color indices of multiple pixels
SETPIXELSRGB Set the Red-Green-Blue color value of multiple pixels

Most of these routines have multiple forms. Routine names that end with _W use the window-coordinate system and REAL(8) argument values. Routines without this suffix use the viewport-coordinate system and INTEGER(2) argument values.

Curved figures, such as arcs and ellipses, are centered within a bounding rectangle, which is specified by the upper-left and lower-right corners of the rectangle. The center of the rectangle becomes the center for the figure, and the rectangle's borders determine the size of the figure. In the following figure, the points (x1, y1) and (x2, y2) define the bounding rectangle.

Bounding Rectangle

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