Editing Text and Graphics from the QuickWin Edit Menu

From the QuickWin Edit menu you can choose the Select Text, Select Graphics, or Select All options. You can then outline your selection with the mouse or the keyboard arrow keys. When you use the Select Text option, your selection is highlighted. When you use the Select Graphics or Select All option, your selection is marked with a box whose dimensions you control.

Once you have selected a portion of the screen, you can copy it onto the Clipboard by using the Edit/Copy option or by using the Ctrl+INS key combination. If the screen area you have selected contains only text, it is copied onto the Clipboard as text. If the selected screen area contains graphics, or a mix of text and graphics, it is copied onto the Clipboard as a bitmap.

The Edit menu's Paste option will only paste text. Bitmaps can be pasted into other Windows applications from the Clipboard (with the Ctrl+V or Shift+INS key combinations).

Remember the following when selecting portions of the screen: