Using QuickWin

This chapter introduces the major categories of QuickWin library routines. It gives an overview of QuickWin features and their use in creating and displaying graphics, and customizing your QuickWin applications with custom menus and mouse routines. Drawing Graphics Elements, and Using Fonts from the Graphics Library cover graphics and fonts in more detail.

The Visual Fortran QuickWin run-time library helps you turn graphics programs into simple Windows applications. Though the full capability of Windows is not available through QuickWin, QuickWin is simpler to learn and to use. QuickWin applications do support pixel-based graphics, real-coordinate graphics, text windows, character fonts, user-defined menus, mouse events, and editing (select/copy/paste) of text, graphics, or both.

In Visual Fortran, graphics programs must be either Fortran QuickWin, Fortran Standard Graphics, Fortran Windows, or use OpenGL routines. Fortran Standard Graphics Applications are a subset of QuickWin that support only one window.

You can choose the Fortran QuickWin or Standard Graphics application type from the drop-down list of available project types when you create a new project in the visual development environment. Or you can use the /libs:qwin compiler option for Fortran QuickWin or the /libs:qwins compiler option for Fortran Standard Graphics.

Note that Fortran QuickWin and Standard Graphics applications cannot be DLLs, and QuickWin and Standard Graphics cannot be linked with run-time routines that are in DLLs. This means that the /libs:qwin option and the /libs:dll with /threads options cannot be used together.

You can access the QuickWin routines library from Visual Fortran as well as other languages that support the Fortran calling conventions. The graphics package supports all video modes supported by Windows 2000, Windows NT 4, Windows Me, Windows 98, and Windows 95.

A program using the QuickWin routines must explicitly access the QuickWin graphics library routines with the statement USE DFLIB (see USE Statement Needed for Fortran QuickWin Applications).

This section includes the following topics: