Types of QuickWin Programs

You can creates a Fortran Standard Graphics application or a Fortran QuickWin application, depending on the project type you choose. Fortran Standard Graphics (QuickWin single document) applications support only one window and do not support programmable menus. Fortran QuickWin applications support multiple windows and user-defined menus. Any Fortran program, whether it contains graphics or not, can be compiled as a QuickWin application. You can use the Microsoft visual development environment to create, debug, and execute Fortran Standard Graphics programs and Fortran QuickWin programs.

To build a Fortran QuickWin application in the visual development environment, select Fortran Standard Graphics or Quickwin Application from the list of available project types displayed when you create a new project. In the dialog box, specify a Fortran Quickwin multiple-window project.

To build a Fortran Standard Graphics application in the visual development environment, select Fortran Standard Graphics or Quickwin Application from the list of available project types. In the dialog box, specify a Fortran Standard Graphics single-window project.

To build a Fortran QuickWin application from the command line, use the /libs:qwin option. For example:

  DF /libs=qwin qw_app.f90 

To build a Fortran Standard Graphics application from the command line, use the /libs:qwins option. For example:

  DF /libs=qwins stdg_app.f90 

For information about building projects in the visual development environment, see Building Programs and Libraries.

Some of the QuickWin project Visual Fortran Samples are in folders in ...DF98\SAMPLES\QUICKWIN.

The following sections discuss the two types of QuickWin applications: