Setting Control Properties

Help is available within the Resource Editor to explain the options for each of the dialog controls. Click the question mark in the upper-left area of the Dialog Properties box to display Resource Editor help.

Some of the controls have multiple Properties sets. Click the mouse on the name of the Properties set you want to view or modify.

In addition to changing the properties of its individual controls, you can change the properties of the dialog box itself. To change the dialog box properties, double-click the left mouse button (or right-click and select Properties from the pop-up menu) in any clear area in the box. The Properties box opens for the dialog.

To specify where your dialog appears on the screen do one of the following:

You can change the size of the dialog box by holding down the left mouse button as you drag the right or lower perimeter of the box. If you have sized your dialog window to be larger than the edit window, use the scroll bars to move the view region.

You can edit the appearance of the dialog box later. To start the Resource Editor and display the selected dialog box:

  1. From the File menu, open the project workspace.
  2. Click the ResourceView tab.
  3. Click the plus sign (+) next to project-name Resources.
  4. Click the plus sign (+) next to Dialog.
  5. Double-click the appropriate dialog name, such as IDD_DIALOG1.
  6. Use the Resource Editor to modify an existing control or add a new one.