Dialog Routines

You can use dialog routines as you would any intrinsic procedure or run-time routine.

As described in Using Dialogs, Visual Fortran supports two types of dialog boxes: modal and modeless. You can use a modal dialog box with any Fortran project type. You can use a modeless dialog box only with the Fortran Windows project types.

The dialog routines can:

The include file (.FD) of the dialog box contains the names of the dialog controls that you specified in the Properties box of the Resource Editor when you created the dialog box. The module DFLOGM.MOD contains predefined variable names and type definitions. These control names, variables, and type definitions are used in the dialog routine argument lists to manage your dialog box.

The dialog routines are listed in the following table:

Dialog Routine Description
DLGEXIT Closes an open dialog
DLGFLUSH Updates the dialog display
DLGGET Gets the value of a control variable
DLGGETCHAR Gets the value of a character control variable
DLGGETINT Gets the value of an integer control variable
DLGGETLOG Gets the value of a logical control variable
DLGINIT Initializes the dialog
DLGINITWITHRESOURCEHANDLE Initializes the dialog (alternative to DLGINIT)
DLGISDLGMESSAGE Determines whether a message is intended for a modeless dialog box
DLGISDLGMESSAGEWITHDLG Determines whether a message is intended for a modeless dialog box (alternative to DLGISDLGMESSAGE)
DLGMODAL Displays a modal dialog box
DLGMODALWITHPARENT Displays a modal dialog box (alternative to DLGMODAL)
DLGMODELESS Displays a modeless dialog box
DLGSENDCTRLMESSAGE Sends a message to a control
DLGSET Assigns a value to a control variable
DLGSETCHAR Assigns a value to a character control variable
DLGSETCTRLEVENTHANDLER Assigns a routine to handle an ActiveX control event.
DLGSETINT Assigns a value to an integer control variable
DLGSETLOG Assigns a value to a logical control variable
DLGSETRETURN Sets the return value for DLGMODAL
DLGSETSUB Assigns a defined callback routine to a control
DLGSETTITLE Sets the dialog title
DLGUNINIT Deallocates memory for an initialized dialog

These routines are described in the Language Reference (see also Dialog Procedures: table).