Using Spin Controls

The Spin control contains up and down arrows that allow the user to step through values. Your application sets or gets the range of the Spin control's values, using DLG_RANGEMIN and DLG_RANGEMAX, and the current value, using DLG_POSITION.

The Spin control is usually associated with a companion control that is called a "buddy window." To the user, the Spin control and its buddy window often look like a single control. You can specify that the Spin control automatically position itself next to its buddy window and that it automatically set the title of its buddy window to its current value. This is accomplished by setting the "Auto buddy" and "Set buddy integer" styles on the Spin control.

The buddy window is usually an Edit Box or Static Text control. When the "Auto buddy" style is set, the Spin control automatically uses the previous control in the dialog box tab order as its buddy window.

The Spin Control calls the DLG_CHANGE callback whenever the user changes the current value of the control.

The Spin control is named the "Up-down" control in Windows programming documentation.