Fortran Standard Graphics Application Projects

A Fortran standard graphics application (.EXE) is a Visual Fortran QuickWin program with graphics that runs in a single QuickWin window. A standard graphics (QuickWin single document) application looks similar to an MS-DOS program when manipulating the graphics hardware directly, without Windows.

A Fortran standard graphics application allows graphics output (such as drawing lines and basic shapes) and other screen functions, such as clearing the screen. Standard Graphics is a subset of Quickwin, sometimes called Quickwin single window. You can use all of the QuickWin graphics functions in these projects. You can use dialog boxes with these and all other project types (see Using Dialogs).

You can select displayed text either as a bitmap or as text. Windows provides APIs for loading and unloading bitmap files. Standard graphics applications should be written as multithreaded applications. (For information about multithreaded programs, see Creating Multithread Applications.)

Fortran standard graphics (QuickWin single document) applications are normally presented in full-screen mode. The single window can be either full-screen or have window borders and controls available. You can change between these two modes by using ALT+ENTER.

If the resolution selected matches the screen size, the application covers the entire screen; otherwise, it is a resizable window with scroll bars. You cannot open additional windows in a standard graphics application. Standard graphics applications have neither a menu bar at the top of the window, nor a status bar at the bottom.

Fortran standard graphics applications are appropriate for problems that:

When you select the Fortran standard graphics project type, the visual development environment includes the QuickWin library automatically, which lets you use the graphics functions. When building from the command line, you must specify the /libs:qwins option. You cannot use the run-time functions meant for multiple-window projects if you are building a standard graphics project. You cannot make a Standard Graphics application a DLL.

For more information about Standard Graphics (QuickWin single window) applications, see Using Quickwin.