How Information Is Displayed

The Microsoft visual development environment displays information in windows, panes, and folders. One window can contain several panes, and each pane can display one or more folders. A pane is a separate and distinct area of a window; a folder is a visual representation of files in a project. Folders show the order in which Visual Fortran compiles the files, and the relationship of source files to their dependent files, such as modules.

When you initially create a project, the Project Workspace window contains some default panes, accessible through tabs at the bottom of the window, to display information about the content of the project. You can also open an output window, which has panes that display build output, debug output, Find in Files output, and profiler output. In addition to the default panes, you can create customized panes to organize and display project information in ways most useful to you.

You can access information about components of the project from the panes in the project window. Double-clicking any item in a pane displays that item in an appropriate way: source files in a text editor, dialog boxes in the dialog editor, help topics in the information window, and so on.

Be sure to select the appropriate pane when using the menu commands, in particular the Save and Save As commands. Commands on the File menu affect only the window that currently has the focus.