Compiler Limits

The following table lists the limits to the size and complexity of a single Visual Fortran program unit and to individual statements contained in it.

The amount of data storage, the size of arrays, and the total size of executable programs are limited only by the amount of process virtual address space available, as determined by system parameters:

Language Element Limit
Actual number of arguments per CALL or function reference No limit
Arguments in a function reference in a specification expression No limit
Array dimensions 7
Array elements per dimension 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or process limit
Constants; character and Hollerith 2000 characters
Constants; characters read in list-directed I/O 2048 characters
Continuation lines 511
DO and block IF statement nesting (combined) 128
DO loop index variable 9,223,372,036,854,775,807 or process limit
Format group nesting 8
Fortran source line length 132 characters
INCLUDE file nesting 20 levels
Labels in computed or assigned GOTO list 500
Lexical tokens per statement 3000
Named common blocks 250
Parentheses nesting in expressions 40
Structure nesting 20
Symbolic name length 63 characters