Creating the Executable Program

When you are ready to create an executable image of your application, select the Build menu. You can:

When you have completed your project definition, you can build the executable program.

When you select Build projectname from the Build menu (or one of the Build toolbars), the visual development environment automatically updates dependencies, compiles and links all files in your project. When you build a project, the visual development environment processes only the files in the project that have changed since the last build.

The Rebuild All mode forces a new compilation of all source files listed for the project.

You either can choose to build a single project, the current project, or you can choose multiple projects (requires batch build) to build in one operation.

You can execute your program from the visual development environment using Ctrl+F5 or Execute from the Build menu (or Build toolbar), or from the command line prompt.

Compiling Files In a Project

You can select and compile individual files in any project in your project workspace. To do this, select the file in the project workspace window (FileView tab). Then, do one of the following:

You can also use the Ctrl+F7 or Compile from the Build menu (or Build toolbar) options when the source window is active (input focus).