Setting Build Options

When you create a new configuration, you specify options for file creation and build settings by selecting the Settings item in the Project menu.

For the currently selected configuration of a project, the Project Settings dialog box (see Categories of Compiler Options) allows you to specify the compile and link options, optimization, or browse information.

Configurations have a hierarchical structure of options. The options set at the configuration level apply to all files within the configuration. Setting options at the configuration level is sufficient for most configurations. For instance, if you set default optimizations for the configuration, all files contained within the configuration use default optimizations.

However, you can set different options for files within a configuration, such as specific optimization options — or no optimization at all — for any individual files in the configuration. The options that you set at the file level in the configuration override options set at the configuration level.

The FileView pane shows the files associated with the project configuration and allows you to select certain files.

You can set some types of options, such as linking or requesting browse information, only at the configuration level.

You can set options at the following levels within a configuration:

Configuration level Any options set for the current configuration apply to every file in the configuration unless overridden at the file level. Options set for the configuration apply to all actions, such as compilation, linking, and requesting browser information.
File level Any options set for a file apply only to that file and override any options set at the configuration level. Options set for selected files apply to file-level actions, such as compiling.

You can insert both source files (.FOR, .F90, .F, .FI, .FD) and object files (.OBJ) by using the Project menu Add to Project, Files item.

You should always insert all source files used by your application into the project. For example, when you update a source file, the next time you build your application, the visual development environment will create a new object file and link it into your project.

You should also insert the names of any necessary static libraries and DLLs with .LIB extensions to be linked with your project. Use only the library names, not the names of any files within the libraries.

If you have installed the same version of Microsoft Visual C++ and Visual Fortran (in the same directory tree), you can include C/C++ source code files. If the same version of Microsoft Visual C++ is not installed, include C/C++ object code instead.

You can set and save project settings as described in the following sections: