Source Browser Information for a Configuration

The Source Browser generates a listing of all symbols in your program; information that can be useful when you need to debug it, or simply to maintain large volumes of unwieldy code. It keeps track of locations in your source code where your program declares, defines, and uses names. You can find references to variables or procedures in your main program and all subprograms it calls by selecting one of the files in your project, then using the Go to Definition or Go to Reference button on the Browse toolbar. Source Browser information is available only after you achieve a successful build.

Browser information is off by default for projects, but you can turn it on if you wish. To set the browse option for the current configuration:

When the browse option is on, the compiler creates intermediate .SBR files when it creates the .OBJ files; at link time, all .SBR files in a project are combined into one .BSC file. These files are binary, not readable, but they are used when you access them through the Browser menu.