Visual Fortran Samples

On the Visual Fortran media CD-ROM, Samples are located in folders under Info\Df\Samples. After a Custom installation, the Samples are installed by default in folders under ...\Microsoft Visual Studio\Df98\Samples.

You can view and copy the source code samples for use with your own projects. Use a text editor to view the sample programs (Samples); they are not listed as topics in HTML Help Viewer.

If you do not install Samples, you can copy appropriate Samples folders or files from the Visual Fortran CD-ROM to your hard disk (remove the Read-Only attribute file property for the files copied).

For a description (roadmap) of the Samples, see Roadmap to the Visual Fortran Samples (Samples.htm) or in a Web browser open the file Samples.htm (use File menu, Open). The following table shows where to locate Samples.htm and the Samples on the Visual Fortran CD-ROM (at any time) or on your hard disk (after installation):

To Locate: Look:
Roadmap to the Samples On the Visual Fortran CD-ROM, open the file:

On your hard disk (after installation), open the file:
 ...\Microsoft Visual Studio\Df98\Samples\Samples.htm

Samples folders On the Visual Fortran CD-ROM, locate folders under:

On your hard disk (after installation), locate folders under:
 ...\Microsoft Visual Studio\Df98\Samples

For example, after a Custom installation, the  ...\Df98\Samples\Tutorial folder contains short example programs, called Tutorial samples. The Tutorial samples describe (as source comments) how they can be built. Unlike other samples, all Tutorial samples are contained in a single directory.

Longer sample programs are also provided in their own subdirectories and include a makefile (for command-line use) as well as the source files. Many samples include a project workspace file, allowing you to open the project workspace in the visual development environment, view the source files in the FileView pane, build the sample, and run it.

Samples for the Compaq Array Visualizer (Professional and Enterprise Editions) are located in folders under  ...\ArrayVisualizer\Samples.

For a description of the Samples, see the Roadmap to the Visual Fortran Samples.