Examples of the DF Command Format

The following examples demonstrate valid and invalid DF commands:

Valid DF Commands

In the following example, the file to be compiled is test.f90 and the file proj.obj is passed to the linker:

   DF test.f90 proj.obj

In this example, the .f90 file extension indicates test.f90 is a Fortran free-form source file to be compiled. The file extension of obj indicates proj.obj is an object file to be passed to the linker. You can optionally add the /link option before the file proj.obj to indicate it should be passed directly to the linker.

In the following example, the /check:bounds option requests that the Fortran compiler generate additional code to perform run-time checking for out-of-bounds array and substring references for the files myfile.for and test.for (fixed-form source):

   DF /check:bounds myfile.for test.for

In the following example, the /link option indicates that files and options after the /link option are passed directly to the linker:

    DF myfile.for /link myobject.obj /out:myprog.exe

Invalid DF commands

The following DF command is invalid because the /link option indicates that items after the /link option are passed directly to the linker, but the file test.for should be passed to the compiler:

    DF myfile.for /link test.for /out:myprog.exe

The following DF command is invalid because the /link option is missing and the /out linker option is not recognized as a compiler option:

   DF myfile.for test.for /out:myprog.exe

A correct form of this command is:

   DF myfile.for test.for /link /out:myprog.exe

In this case, you can alternatively use one of the DF options (/exe) that specifies information to the linker:

   DF myfile.for test.for /exe:myprog.exe

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