Using the DF Environment Variable to Specify Options

The following command-line sequences show the use of the DF environment variable. In the first command sequence, the SET command sets the DF environment variable. When the DF command is invoked, it uses the options specified by the DF environment variable, in this case, /debug:minimal and /list:

  set DF=/debug:minimal /list
  DF myprog.for

You can also specify additional options on the DF command line. In the following command sequence, the SET command sets the DF environment variable. The DF options specified are /debug:minimal and /list.

  set DF=/debug:minimal /list
  DF myprog.for /show:map

If the options specified on the command line conflict with the options specified by the DF environment variable, the option specified on the command line takes precedence. In the following command sequence, the /debug:minimal option specified by the DF environment variable is overridden by the /debug:none option specified on the command line:

  set DF=/debug:minimal /list
  DF myprog.for /debug:none