Environment Variables Used with the DF Command

The following table shows the environment variables that affect the DF command.

Environment Variables Affecting the DF Command

PATH The PATH environment variable sets the search path.
LIB The linker uses the LIB environment variable to determine the location of .LIB files. If the LIB environment variable is not set, the linker looks for .LIB files in the current directory.
LINK_F90 The LINK_F90 environment variable contains a list of libraries used for linking IMSL libraries (Professional and Enterprise Editions), as listed in Library Naming Conventions.
INCLUDE The make facility (NMAKE) uses the INCLUDE environment variable to locate INCLUDE files and module files. The Visual Fortran compiler uses the INCLUDE environment variable to locate files included by an INCLUDE statement or module files referenced by a USE statement. Similarly, the resource compiler uses the INCLUDE environment variable to locate #include and RCINCLUDE files.
DF The DF environment variable can be used to specify frequently used DF options and files. The options and files specified by the DF environment variable are added to the DF command; they are processed before any options specified on the command line. You can override an option specified in the DF environment variable by specifying an option on the command line.

For information about using the DF environment variable to specify frequently-used options, see Using the DF Environment Variable to Specify Options.

You can set these environment variables by using the DFVARS.BAT file or the Fortran Command Prompt command-line window (see "Using the Command-Line Interface" in Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started).

For a list of environment variables recognized at run-time, see Run-Time Environment Variables.