The Format of the DF Command

This section describes the format of the DF command. It also provides an alphabetical list of DF command options.

The DF command accepts both compiler options and linker options. The command driver requires that the following rules be observed when specifying the DF command:

The DF command has the following form:

   DF options [/link options]

A list of compiler options (or linker options preceded by the /link option). These lists of options take the following form:

   [/option:[arg]] [filename.ext]...



Indicates either special actions to be performed by the compiler or linker, or special properties of input or output files.

The following rules apply to options and their names:

Certain options accept one or more keyword arguments following the option name. For example, the /warn option accepts several keywords, including argument_checking and declarations.

To specify only a single keyword, specify the keyword after the colon (:). For example, the following specifies the /warn option declarations keyword:

   DF /warn:declarations test.f90

To specify multiple keywords, specify the option name once, and place each keyword in a comma-separated list enclosed within parentheses with no spaces between keywords, as follows:

   DF /warn:(argument_checking,declarations)  test.f90

Instead of the colon, you can use an equal sign (=):

   DF /warn=(argument_checking,declarations)  test.f90

Specifies the files to be processed. You can use wildcard characters (such as *.f90) to indicate multiple files or you can specify each file name.

The file extension identifies the type of the file. With Fortran source files, certain file extensions indicate whether that source file contains source code in free (such as .f90) or fixed (such as .for) source form. You can also specify compiler options to indicate fixed or free source form (see /[no]free).

The file extension determines whether that file gets passed to the compiler or to the linker. For example, files myfile.for and projfile.f are passed to the compiler and file myobj.obj is passed to the linker.

Compiler Options, Alphabetic List

The following table lists the DF command compiler options alphabetically:

/[no]alignment /[no]altparam
/architecture /[no]asmattributes
/[no]asmfile /assume
/[no]automatic /bintext
/[no]browser /ccdefault
/[no]check /[no]comments
/[no]compile_only /convert
/cxml /[no]d_lines
/[no]dbglibs /[no]debug
/define /dll
/[no]error_limit /[no]exe
/[no]extend_source /extfor
/extfpp /extlnk
/[no]f66 /[no]f77rtl
/fast /[no]fixed
/[no]fltconsistency (ia32 only) /[no]fpconstant
/fpe /fpp
/[no]fpscomp /[no]free
/help or /? /iface
/imsl /[no]include
/[no]inline /[no]intconstant
/integer_size /[no]keep
/[no]libdir /libs
/[no]link /[no]list
/[no]logo /[no]machine_code
/[no]map /math_library
/[no]module /names
/[no]object /[no]optimize
/[no]pad_source /[no]pdbfile
/[no]pipeline (ia64 only) /preprocess_only
/real_size /[no]recursive
/[no]reentrancy /[no]show
/source /[no]static
/[no]stand /[no]syntax_only
/[no]threads /[no]traceback
/[no]transform_loops /tune
/undefine /unroll
/[no]vms /[no]warn
/[no]watch /what

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