Input and Output Files

You can use the DF command to process multiple files. These files can be source files, object files, or object libraries.

When a file is not in your path or working directory, specify the directory path before the file name.

The file extension determines whether a file gets passed to the compiler or to the linker. The following types of files are used with the DF command:

The output produced by the DF command includes:

You control the production of these files by specifying the appropriate options on the DF command line. Unless you specify the /compile_only option or /keep option, the compiler generates a single temporary object file from one or more source files. The linker is then invoked to link the object file into one executable image file.

If fatal errors are encountered during compilation, or if you specify certain options such as /compile_only, linking does not occur.

When a path or file name includes an embedded space or a special character, enclose the entire file location name in double quotation marks ("). For example:

   DF "Project xyz\fortmain.f90"

For more information about naming input and output files, see: