Naming Output Files

To specify a file name for the executable image file, you can use one of several DF options:

You can also use the /object:file option to specify the object file name. If you specify the /compile_only option and omit the /object:file option, each source file is compiled into a separate object file. For more information about the output file(s) created by compiling and linking multiple files, see Compiling and Linking Multiple Fortran Source Files.

Many compiler options allow you to specify the name of the file being created. If you specify only a filename without an extension, a default extension is added for the file being created, as summarized below:

Default File Extensions for Compiler Options

Option Default File Extension
/asmfile:file .ASM
/browser:file .SBR
/dll:file .DLL
/exe:file .EXE
/list:file .LST
/map:file .MAP
/pdbfile:file .PDB (default filename is df60.pdb)