Linker Diagnostic Messages and Error Conditions

If the linker detects any errors while linking object modules, it displays messages about their cause and severity. If any errors occur, the linker does not produce an executable file.

Linker messages are descriptive, and you do not normally need additional information to determine the specific error. For a description of each Linker message, see Linker Messages (LNKxxxx).

To view the libraries being passed to the linker on the DF command line, specify /watch:cmd or /watch:all.

On the command line, make sure the DFVARS.BAT file was executed to set the appropriate environment variables (see "Using the Command-Line Interface" in Compaq Visual Fortran Installing and Getting Started). For example, this BAT file sets the environment variables for the library directory paths. For a list of environment variables used by the DF command during compilation, see Environment Variables Used with the DF Command.

You specify the libraries to be linked against using compiler options in the Libraries category (see Categories of Compiler Options, Libraries category). Also, you can specify libraries (include the path, if needed) on the command line.

With the Professional and Enterprise Editions, if you have trouble linking IMSL libraries, specify the /imsl option and see also Using the IMSL Libraries from Visual Fortran.

For information on handling build errors in the visual development environment, see Errors During the Build Process.