Generating a Listing File

To request a listing file, specify the /list option with the DF command. When you request a listing file, a separate listing file is generated for each object file created.

The content of the listing file is affected by the /show option. For more information about this option, see Compiler and Linker Options.

The following command compiles and links a.for, b.for, and c.for. It generates one listing file for the three source files:

  DF a.for b.for c.for /list

The following command compiles a.for, b.for, and c.for. It generates three listing files (and three object files) for the three source files:

  DF a.for b.for c.for /list /compile_only

The following command sequence compiles and links a.for, b.for, and c.for. It generates one named object file (a.obj) and one listing file (a.lst). The second command links the object files into an executable file (a.exe):

  DF a.for b.for c.for /list /compile_only /object:a.obj
  DF a.obj

The following command sequence compiles and links a.for, b.for, and c.for. It generates three object files (a.obj, b.obj, and c.obj) and three listing files (a.lst, b.lst, and c.lst). The second command links the object files into an executable file (a.exe):

  DF a.for b.for c.for /list /compile_only
  DF a.obj b.obj c.obj