

/check:keyword, /nocheck, /4Yb, /4Nb

The /check, /4Yb, or /4Nb options control whether extra code is generated for certain run-time checking. Run-time checks can result in issuing run-time messages for certain conditions.

In the visual development environment, specify the Runtime Error Checking items in the Run time Compiler Option Category. The /check options are as follows:

(Actual Arguments use Temporary Storage)
(Array and String bounds)
/check:flawed_pentium (ia32 systems)
(Flawed Pentium)
(Edit Descriptor Data Type)
(Edit Descriptor Data Size)
(Integer Overflow)
(Power Operations)
(Floating Point Underflow)
/4Yb /check:none, /nocheck, or /4Nb
/check or /check:all  

If you omit these options, the default is:

When using the visual development environment debug configuration, the default for bounds checking changes from /check:nobounds to /check:bounds.

The /check keywords and /4Yb, and /4Nb options are: