

/dbglibs or /nodbglibs

The /dbglibs option controls whether the debug version or the non-debug version of the C run-time library is linked against. The default is /nodbglibs, which will link against the non-debug version of the C library, even when /debug:full is specified.

If you specify /debug:full for an application that calls C library routines and you need to debug calls into the C library, you should also specify /dbglibs to request that the debug version of the library be linked against.

In the visual development environment, specify one of the Debug library options in the Use Fortran Run-Time Libraries in the Libraries Compiler Option Category.

When you specify /dbglibs, the C debug library linked against depends on the specified /libs:keyword and /[no]threads options, and is one of: libcd.lib, libcmtd.lib, or msvcrtd.lib.

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