

/dll[:file], /nodll, or /LD

The /dll or /LD option indicates that the program should be linked as a DLL file. The /dll or /LD option overrides any specification of the run-time routines to be used and activates the /libs:dll option. A warning is generated when the /libs=qwin or /libs=qwins option and /dll option are used together.

In the visual development environment, specify the project type as Fortran Dynamic Link Library (DLL).

If you omit file, the /dll or /LD option interacts with the /exe and the /Fe options, as follows:

To request linking with multithreaded libraries, specify the /threads option.

For information about building DLL files from the visual development environment, see Fortran Dynamic-Link Library Projects and Creating Fortran DLLs.

For a list of Fortran PowerStation style options (such as /LD and /MDs) and their DF command equivalents, see Equivalent Visual Fortran Compiler Options.