

/libs[:keyword], /MD, /MDd, /MDs, /ML, /MLd, /MT, /MTd, /MTs, /MW, or /MWs

The /libs option controls the type of libraries your application is linked with. The default is /libs:static (same as /libs). In the visual development environment, specify the appropriate options in Use Fortran Run-Time Libraries list (for example, an option with DLL in its name sets /libs:dll) in the Libraries Compiler Option Category. These options are:

/libs:dll or /MDs /libs:static or /ML
/libs:qwin or /MW /libs:qwins or /MWs

This section also contains jumps to related information about libraries.

The /libs options:

The following related options request additional libraries to link against:

To request the creation of a dynamic-link library, see /dll.

For information about compiling and linking Visual Fortran and Visual C++ programs (and the libraries used), see Specifying Consistent Library Types and Visual Fortran/Visual C++ Mixed-Language Programs.

For command-line examples of using the /libs option, see Linking Against Additional Libraries.