

/list[:file], /nolist, or /Fsfile

The /list or /Fs option creates a listing of the source file with compile-time information appended. To name the source listing file, specify file. If you omit the /list or /Fs options (or specify /nolist), no listing file is created.

In the visual development environment, specify Source Listing in the Listing File Compiler Option Category.

When a diagnostic message is displayed, the listing file contains a column pointer (such as .....1) that points to the specific part of the source line that caused the error.

To specify the content of the listing file, see /show.

To request a listing with Assembly instructions, see /asmfile.

To request a listing with information about optimizations, see /annotations.

The name of the listing file is the same as the source file (unless specified by file), with the extension .LST (unless the extension is specified by file).

If multiple object files are created, multiple listing files are usually created. For example, if you specify multiple source files with the /compile_only and /list options without a named object file (/object:file), multiple files are created. If you specify multiple source files with the /list, /compile_only, and /object:file, a single listing file is created. For command-line examples, see Generating a Listing File.