Setting LINK Options in the Visual Development Environment

You can set linker options in the Microsoft visual development environment by using the Link tab in the Build Settings dialog box. The following tables list the linker options by category in the visual development environment, along with the equivalent command-line options:

General Category Command-Line Equivalent
Output File Name /OUT:filename
Object/Library Modules filename on command line
Generate Debug Info /DEBUG
Ignore All Default Libraries /NODEFAULTLIB
Link Incrementally /INCREMENTAL:{YES|NO}
Generate Mapfile /MAP
Enable Profiling /PROFILE

Output Category Command-Line Equivalent
Base Address /BASE:address
Entry-Point Symbol /ENTRY:function
Stack Allocations /STACK:reserve,commit
Version Information /VERSION:major.minor

Input Category Command-Line Equivalent
Object/Library Modules filename on command line
Ignore Libraries /NODEFAULTLIB:library
Ignore All Default Libraries /NODEFAULTLIB
Force Symbol References /INCLUDE:symbol
MS-DOS Stub File Name /STUB:filename

Customize Category Command-Line Equivalent
Use Program Database /PDB:filename
Link Incrementally /INCREMENTAL:{YES|NO}
Program Database Name /PDB:filename
Output File Name /OUT:filename
Force File Output /FORCE
Print Progress Messages /VERBOSE
Suppress Startup Banner /NOLOGO

Debug Category Command-Line Equivalent
Mapfile Name /MAP:filename
Generate Mapfile /MAP
Generate Debug Info /DEBUG
Microsoft Format /DEBUGTYPE:CV