Rules for LINK Options

An option consists of an option specifier, either a dash ( - ) or a forward slash ( / ), followed by the name of the option. Option names cannot be abbreviated. Some options take an argument, specified after a colon ( : ). No spaces or tabs are allowed within an option specification, except within a quoted string in the /COMMENT option.

Specify numeric arguments in decimal or C-language notation. (The digits 1-9 specify decimal values, an integer constant preceded by a zero (0) specifies an octal value, and an integer constant preceded by zero and x (0x or 0X) specifies a hexadecimal value.) Option names and their keyword or filename arguments are not case sensitive, but identifiers as arguments are case sensitive.

LINK first processes options specified in the LINK environment variable. Next, LINK processes options in the order specified on the command line and in command files. If an option is repeated with different arguments, the last one processed takes precedence.

Options apply to the entire build. No options can be applied to specific input files.