

Lets you perform optimization by telling LINK to place certain packaged functions into the image in a predetermined order. It is not possible to make packaged functions with the Visual Fortran compiler. This description is included for mixed-language applications with languages such as Visual C++ that support packaged functions (with the /Gy compiler option).

LINK places packaged functions in the specified order within each section in the image.

Specify the order in filename, which is a text file that lists the packaged functions in the order you want to link them. Each line in filename contains the name of one packaged function. Function names are case sensitive. A comment is specified by a semicolon (;) and can be on the same or a separate line. LINK ignores all text from the semicolon to the end of the line.

LINK uses decorated forms of identifiers. A decorated name is an internal representation of a procedure name or variable name that contains information about where it is declared; for procedures, the information includes how it is called. Decorated names are mainly of interest in mixed-language programming, when calling Fortran routines from other languages.

The compiler decorates an identifier when it creates the object file. If the name of the packaged function is specified to the linker in its undecorated form as it appears in the source code, LINK attempts to match the name. If it cannot find a unique match, LINK issues an error.

Use the DUMPBIN tool to get the decorated form of an identifier when you need to specify it to the linker. Do not specify the decorated form of identifiers declared with cDEC$ ATTRIBUTES C or STDCALL. For more information on when and how to use decorated names, see Adjusting Naming Conventions in Mixed-Language Programming.

If more than one /ORDER specification is used, the last one specified takes effect.

Ordering allows you to optimize your program's paging behavior through swap tuning. Group a function with the functions it calls. You can also group frequently called functions together. These techniques increase the probability that a called function is in memory when it is needed and will not have to be paged from disk.

This option disables incremental linking.