

/optimize[:level], /nooptimize, /Od, /Ox, or /Oxp

The /optimize option controls the level of optimization performed by the compiler. To provide efficient run-time performance, Visual Fortran increases compile time in favor of decreasing run time. If an operation can be performed, eliminated, or simplified at compile time, the compiler does so rather than have it done at run time. Also, the size of object file usually increases when certain optimizations occur (such as with more loop unrolling and more inlined procedures).

In the visual development environment, specify the Optimization Level in the General or Optimizations Compiler Option Category. The /optimize options are:

/optimize:0 or /Od /optimize:1
/optimize:2 /optimize:3
/optimize:4, /Ox, and /Oxp /optimize:5

The /optimize options:

For detailed information on these optimizations, see Optimization Levels: the /optimize Option.

For information about timing your program, see Analyze Program Performance.

To compile your application for efficient run-time performance, see Compile With Appropriate Options and Multiple Source Files.