

/traceback or /notraceback or /Zt

The /traceback option requests that the compiler generate extra information in the object file that allows the display of source file traceback information at run time when a severe error occurs.

Specifying /traceback:

For the DF command line and for a release configuration in the visual development environment, the default is /notraceback. For a debug configuration in the visual development environment, the default is /traceback.

If traceback is not specified, the displayed call stack hexadecimal addresses (program counter trace) displayed when a severe error occurs do not list the source file name, routine name, and line number. However, advanced users can locate the cause of the error using a .MAP file (linker option /map) and the hexadecimal addresses of the stack displayed when a severe error occurs (see Using Traceback Information).

In the visual development environment, specify Generate Traceback Information in the Run-Time Compiler Option Category.

The /traceback option functions independently of the /debug option.

If you request traceback, you should also disable incremental linking. For a Debug configuration in the visual development environment for a new project, specifying Traceback turns off incremental linking. When using the command line, specifying /traceback sets /link /incremental:no. You can disable incremental linking either in the Link tab in the Project Settings dialog box or specify DF /link /incremental:no on the command line.

If you omit /traceback (or /Zt), /notraceback is used.

For information about locating run-time errors with traceback information, see Using Traceback Information.

For request traceback information at any time by calling the TRACEBACKQQ routine, see Obtaining Traceback Information with TRACEBACKQQ.

To disable the stack traceback report for severe errors, set the FOR_DISABLE_STACK_TRACE environment variable (see Using Traceback Information).