


The /tune option specifies the type of processor-specific machine-code instruction tuning for implementations of the processor architecture in use.

Tuning for a specific implementation can improve run-time performance; it is also possible that code tuned for a specific processor may run slower on another processor. Regardless of the /tune:keyword option you use, the generated code runs correctly on all implementations of the processor architecture.

If you omit /tune:keyword, /tune:generic is used. In the visual development environment, specify the Optimize For in the Optimizations Compiler Option Category.

For ia32 (32-bit Intel and AMD) systems, the /tune keywords are:

Specifying /fast sets /tune:host.

For ia64 (64-bit) systems, specify either /tune:generic or /tune:host (this option is not yet fully implemented for ia64 systems).

The architecture selected by /architecture (code generation option) is the basis for the architecture used by the /tune keyword. For example, you cannot specify a /tune keyword for an architecture older than the one selected by /architecture.

For more information about this option, see Requesting Optimized Code for a Specific Processor Generation.

For information about timing program execution, see Analyze Program Performance.

To control the processor-specific type of machine-code instructions being generated, see the /architecture:keyword option.