Handling Compaq Fortran Pointers

Compaq Fortran (integer) pointers are not the same as Fortran 90 pointers, but are instead like C pointers. On ia32 systems, Compaq Fortran pointers are 4-byte INTEGER quantities. On ia64 systems, Compaq Fortran pointers are 8-byte INTEGER quantities.

When passing a Compaq Fortran pointer to a routine written in another language:

When receiving a pointer from a routine written in another language:

For example, on ia32 systems:

 ! Fortran subroutine.
      SUBROUTINE Iptr_Sub (p)
      !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES C, ALIAS:'_Iptr_Sub' :: Iptr_Sub
         integer VAR(10)
         POINTER (p, VAR)
         OPEN (8, FILE='STAT.DAT')
         READ (8, *) VAR(4) ! Read from file and store the
                            ! fourth element of VAR

 //C main program
 extern void Iptr_Sub(int *p);

 main ( void )
   int a[10];
   Iptr_Sub (&a[0]);
   printf("a[3] = %i\n", a[3]);

On ia64 systems, the alias name for Iptr_Sub should not have a leading underscore, as follows:
   !DEC$ ATTRIBUTES C, ALIAS:'Iptr_Sub' :: Iptr_Sub

When the main C program and Fortran subroutine are built and executed, the following output appears if the STAT.DAT file contains 4:
   a[3] = 4